Administrators: Rasmus, ErkiA
For newly commisioned blades configure power profiles for 200-500 W lower idle!
Blades are not meant to be accessed directly. All accounts (including blade-local Administrator) have been removed. Access is granted through enclosure login.
.HTML5 Remote Console
(or for blade iLO Web Administration
See also: Server Configuration (BIOS, RAID, etc)
Before installing an OS make sure you have your desired RAID0/1/JBOD configuration.
Virtual media might be slow! It is random IOPS over VPN over (your home) internet connection, possibly over WiFi, then the browser and local disk. You might want to netboot.
→ Local *.iso file
g7 blades do not implement HTML5 console access. Therefore you need Internet Explorer (ft. ActiveX and Java). WIth mixed results, icedtea-web
might work as well.
Integrated Remote Console
.Check the box and click Ok
In progress to add the local intranetwork to the local intranetwork for IE. For now:
to the exceptions.Enclosure 'Administrator' is the only user which may have access to iLO via SSH, and as such is used as a prometheus service account.
While booting, a lenghty black screen is normal. Pre-splash screen POST codes are usually 3038, 4048 etc.
While F9 and F11 are recognized right away, other F-keys are detected only after the splash, after initializations.
. Do not press it before, as it takes you to different menus.Stock configuration draws tons 100% the power, even at idle. Please apply the superior config detailed below.
The profile might shwo up as 'Custom' state, which is expected.
on boot)Power Management Options
→ HP Power Profile
→ Minimum Power usage
Keep in mind the watts are DC of what the blade uses. This does not account for DC conversion, fans, switches, and other nessecities the enclosure provides.
The Blade is currently limited/locked to 1600MHz. Idle is around 80W-85W, all cores 100% is around 160W.
This is the recommended selection as it is very likely your blade will not be anywhere near 100%, often not even 50%.
You may pick the lower performance setting, and change it later as well.
To allow 3200MHz (while still having good power usage while idle):
HP Power Profile
shall be set to Minimum Power Usage
before you do next step.Power Management Options
→ HP Power Regulator
→ HP Dynamic Power Savings Mode
Idle wattage is around 110W-115W, all cores 100% is around 260W.
Instead of selecting HP Dynamic Power Savings Mode
, when using Linux, OS Control
might be an option.
While it manages to rarely idle at 70W-75W, it normally idles at the same 110W-115W.
The difference here is that HP Dynamic Power Savings Mode
does that at 1600MHz, OS Control
keeps the processor at 3100MHz for a few minutes on idle.
While OS Control
might seem better, your results may vary. As the results are quite similar to Profile 2, choosing might be a better idea.