General info on the Wiki Home.
TODO: (do poke somebody to add more details)
TODO: chaostreffs
Branding: logo, typeface
Press / Media: Please ask for a comment from Thanks!
K-SPACE has it's roots in Robotics Club of Estonian IT College and was founded by it's alumni who are also active in the hackerspace. A lot of work, sweat and maybe some tears has gone into renovating the place. One could say, it's finished, but there's still a lengthy to-do list waiting for eager hands.
- Koodur OÜ hackerspace - the hackerspace of Koodur OÜ (Company of Lauri), the nonsense name Lauri came for Laphack
- K-SPACE is another name for spatial frequency domain, so going into K-SPACE would mean applying Fourier transform.
- K-SPACE could be shortened version of kernelspace.
- Tehnopol Küberneetika maja hackerspace - the hackerspace of Tehnopol house of cybernetics.
- <add your nonsense explaination here>
As with all great things, the exact date is unknown.
- Eesti IT Kolledži Robootikaklubi MTÜ (Estonian IT College Robotics Club) was registered 22.02.2016.
- Keys to the place were received 02.10.2017.
- Slack was created 29.11.2017.
- K-SPACE MTÜ name took effect 15.12.2017.
- Additional content needed.
Self-funded shared project space or a club that offers various facilities for various projects. For example and not limited to:
- wood workshop
- lasercutter (we are ever grateful to be given access to it)
- space for soldering and other electronics projects
- our very own server room
- immense combined knowledge regarding tech
- brewery
- 3D printer
- antique and vintage computer museum
- coworking space
- friendly atmosphere
24/7 access to the aforementioned facilities (might depend on membership tier). Also possibility to learn new things.
TL;DR: For kicks and giggles.
To have a space where to meet with people who share similar interest, learn new things, unwind. A constructive hobby space for adults 
(very incomplete)
- (very incomplete)
- 2025-01-18 Arti and Rasmus worked on the membership CRM system
- (very incomplete)
- 2025-01-12 Rasmus upgraded PVE cluster and K-SPACE kube master OSes
- 2025-01-11 (external) Rasmus visited Kopli 93 for Tartu Paranduskelder's birthday
- (very incomplete)
- 2024-12-13 Christmas dinner
- (very incomplete)
- 2024-11-30 (external) Arti visited the opening of Fab20
- 2024-08-13 Rasmus merged todo duplicates 3h
- (very incomplete)
- 2024 hackathon, pre-network breakage, post-follow-ups
- (very incomplete)
- 2024-06-07 Pärnumaa inseneeriaKOBAR in Tallinn (TÜ Pärnu): 18 visitors from Alise Technic, NOTE Pärnu, Sunlight Energy OÜ, Pärnumaa Arenduskeskus, Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus, Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus, and TÜ Pärnu kolledž (ran by Arti, "meie inseneeriaseltskond jäi väga rahule")
- (very incomplete)
- 2024-02-29 Tallinn Linux User Group: Meetup and ZSH and Dotfiles (organized by Arti)
- (very incomplete)
- 2024-02-08 Chaostreff (organized by Arti): Cleaning up the workshop (Vad, Simon, Henri), DEC X11 terminal with proper b/w on LCD (Kristjan K), nicer CRT projector sync cable (Kristjan K), and fix Voron 3D-Printer filament latch (Sander T, Oleksii).
- 2024-02-05 decomissioned (Rasmus, Erki A)
- 2024-02-05 Debugging camtiler, cameras back online (Erki A)
- 2024-02-04 Decomissioning planning, Nextcloud, and Windows Server (Erki A and Rasmus)
- 2024-02-01 Chaostreff: repurpose fell-off-a-truck phone testing stand as a components shelf (Vad, Arti)
- (very incomplete)
- 2023-12 Christmas dinner
- 2023-11-28..2023-11-29 RIPE 87 Local Hub at
- 2023 hackathon
- (very incomplete)
- 2022-12 Christmas dinner
- (very incomplete)
- 2021-12 Christmas dinner
- (very incomplete)
- 2019-04 Started offering Proxmox Member VMs
- (very incomplete)
- 2018-09 first Python CodeClub kickoff event, approx 100 people attended
- 2018-08 Second half, kitchen corner and server room renovated
- (very incomplete)
- 2018-01-01..2018-01-02 floors finished in the frist half
- 2017-12-18 Dec user registration up and running
- 2017-12-17 Moved wiki to MediaWiki and integrated auth
- 2017-12-03 inventory tracking up and running
- 2017-12-01..03 Hacking k-space event
- 2017-11-29 Nov wiki up and running
- 2017-11-26 ROBOTEX!!!
- 2017-10-28..2017-10-30 removal of bricks and debris
- 2017-10-27 sumos at Arsenali 12:00-14:00
- 2017-10-21 Robootika õppepäev
- 2017-10-14 wall teardown, suitsuandurid kinni katta!
- 2017-10-06..2017-10-08 Laphack
- 2017-10-03 lockers brought in, smartboard, eeeboxes, screens, 32" TV, samsungi digital signage box, stepcraft 2 cnc, tables from Vilde (?), as much as possible
- 2017-10-02 first stuff moved to Akadeemia tee 21/1 fifth floor
- 2017-09-01 Officially moved in, rental papers signed etc
TODO: list of past fires
TODO: go through gcal
TODO: slack?
TODO: form it to a timeline with images? + easier entries; something between and 'X Timeline' (bottom of page on
Access to accounts are documented manually with groups k-space:external:<servicename>
(edit in Git)