Come to our hackerspace hackathon and bring your own ideas and projects that could use some momentum. You don't have to be a hackerspace member or focus on hackerspace-related ideas.
Also, there's no pressure to create a startup, build a minimum viable product (MVP), or anything of that nature. Instead, we're returning to the essence of hacking: enjoying a weekend of tinkering with things we love, surrounded by amazing individuals!
Bring your sleeping bag for sleepover. There are some couches available for crashing and there's a shower available as well.
Take a look at the Paths below and add yours below or to this pad!
Event will take place 25-28 of July 2024 at fifth floor of Akadeemia 21/1 (Küberneetika maja)
- Thursday 18:00: ideas pitching (YouTube Livestream)
- Friday-Saturday-Sunday execution
- Saturday afternoon: Epic soviet vs west ice cream machine battle
- Saturday 18:00 gourmet pizza evening by pizzameister @mikidep
- Sunday 14:00: demos with
pizzas by pizzameister @mikidep
All that our hackerspace has to offer:
- Food & drinks!
- Awesome people!
- Soldering irons, 3D printers, CNC machine, lasercutter
- Classic VM-s on Proxmox
- Kubernetes clusters (dev *, prod *
- Automatic OIDC app registration
- Easy to use MySQL/Postgre/Redis/S3/Rabbitmq declarations
- [Put your name here]: [Stuff that you can help with]
- Erki Aas: OIDC tooling
- Lauri Võsandi: Kubernetes tooling
- Arti Zirk: Anything electronics/embedded
- Rasmus Kallas: self-hosting, K-SPACE helpdesk (ft. PVE, Blades), vending machine, dev (ft. Go)
NB! If you don't have an account to edit this wiki, then put your ideas in this Etherpad:
Laser cutter calibration block as keychains, engraved with width on each + keychain holder board to put next to l-cutter
Add SpaceAPI to
- Access path: Add keep door open button for X hours to inventory/doorboy webpage and corresponding slack command (adding a brick to the door is stupid)
- Management path: Price adjustments
- Management path: Price adjustments
- Infrakube path
- Maybe Space path: Replace full-height closet with the 1/3-height under the table
- Figure out Flipper Zero SDK and write an application for it
- Measure TETRA signal strength on the Flipper to sorta kinda understand how close emergency services are to you.
- Retro path: Macintosh emulator
- And maybe some woodworking - arcade deathmatch game
¶ Sander Trumm
Vending machine
Delete VM 391
Count/document light switches for Shelly order. TODO: Order
- Management path: Billing system
- Supporting chaos monkey in Infrakube
- Access path: Keys
- Vending machine: Find A/C person
Bonus: Install architecture lights (mainly unified on/off)
- Bonus: Find a victim to make the vending machine talk to one of 2 possible cashless protocols. Apparently you can remotely (quicker / spreadsheet sync!) set prices via coin module. *** Doorkey would work for (credit) payments, but for (QR-code) LHV Connect (bank lightning transfers) does it timeout, or can you add credit before selection (and what about timeout refund transfers)? Very bonus-bonus: Sales statistics.
- Q: K-SPACE at BSides 2024, I'm not present, but who is, what is the plan, nocom at the organizers?
- Rewrite my ancient SpaceAPI map ( in golang
to celebrate k-space being finally on it, hopefully 
- Work more on reverse engineering embroidery machine's machine-code
- ESP32 + sending sensor data (temperature, weight..) for beekeeping app (
- telemetry API microservice -> influxdb
- grafana visualization -> influxdb
Based on, see for more details!
- Restore normality (see members-todo 'Kube') + docs
- Core switch configs
- Argo in sync
- Clear up and review prom targets.
- Upgrades: Calico, Traefik, Kube
- Demolish storage workarounds
- Document architecture (+ non-Argo in detail), backup strategy. Product owners.
- PVE-side kubernetes chaos monkey
- App features:
- WikiJS Full-text search
- redirects are http-only, make them work with https
- Migrate Gitea to use native OIDC
- Mail spam filtering
- Restore Machine lists/inventory from router
- Testing/monitoring for OIDC login fails. Selenium?
- Membership (re)package(ing), announce price adjustments
- Bonus: billing/membership system
- Lukukoda:
- (Please keep copies of keys as low as possible. Less tracking, less chaos.)
- Replace workshop lock, forcing use of keycard.
- Server room electronic lock + swap keys. Erki has clone certificate, what type is the lock?
- Green-gray cupboard outside of workshop door: Replace lock, possibly keep it non-lockable.
- TODO: Lockers: 1 backup + 1 main key for each.
- Larger (digital solenoid?) key locker.
- Keys audit. Merging multiple lists.
- Rules/procedures for taking and cloning keys.
- Ensure backup key in the hands of ErkiN for antisocial room
- Workshop machine access control + log (especially for lasercutter outside workshop)
- (External: Vending machine A/C)
- Server room
- Bolting racks together (floor load bearing)
- UPS emergency shutoff wired to building fire alarm
- (External: Server room ventilation)
- Hot/Cold aisle
- Chaos
- Replace full-height closet with the 1/3-height under the table
- Laser-solder fumes, move laser cutter outside of workshop
- (Access path: Workshop machine ACL + log)
- Utilize architecture lights in storage with an unified on/off switch
- Cleantreff all day
- Machines under coworking desks (ft. Retro path)
- Ottersauger & Otterfilter builds (soldering minivacuums) Slack discussion, GitHub ; Lamps for positioning, Pipe
- Vending machine door card and/or LHV Connect payments: Talking to the controller OR (smart) cash unit. Everything else is plain easy.
- Clean up network share for DOS/Windows 3.x computers
- Terminal server retro share Samba config to Ansible
- Breathe life in to more machines (examples?)
- System to safely power-on/-off a bunch of systems from a single switch. Signs that old systems do not tolerate pull-plug. UPS?
- @Rasmus stocked the vending machine, @Kristjan physically disconnected the A/C from power. Power plug was a bit black and brown. @plaes fixed a spiral motor.
- @Rasmus installed architecture lights, one switch to light 'em all.
- @ErkiA @Lauri kubed?
- @Priit Pico Micro Mac
- @Priit soldered personal stuff
- other people did stuff, did what?
- @Lauri updated Kubernetes components and operators
- @Lauri fixed mikrotik-exporter
- @Lauri added
intro stream
Lauri hit a wall with some help from @Kristjan in reverse engineering a driver for flipdiscs
Kristjan worked on retro stuff
Kristjan SLIP: IP over serial over radio
ottj: didn't get flipper zero sdk working
- @Rasmus inventoried lockers and their keys with help from @Madis. Lukukoda list ready.
- @Rasmus, @Madis and @ErkiA documented hackerspace infrastructure components, and relationships between them.
- @Rasmus contacted a bunch of for vending machine cooling. Apparently A/C (room ventilation-ish) ≠ refrigiration (fridges, trucks, commercial).
- @ErkiA migrated Mongo to Mongo Cluster (with exclusive features depended on by Inventory, Doorboy, and Camtiler)
- @ErkiA Freescout attachments täna
- @ErkiA Traefik
- Kube upgrades and master fixes
- @ErkiA updated Passmower by migrating from to
- @Madis worked on displaying a QR in inventory.
- inventory uploaded media optimization preto thumbnails
- @Madis removed intense slack notification spam for inventory changes
slack spam
login fix
eile: Inventory Kube Skaffold on new cluster.
eile eaas: Codemowers Traefk pre-test
eile eaas: läpakas
priit micro mac continue
erick: unbroke some personal flask stuff
micro (today+yesterday): SpaceAPI map, fetching federated info from spaces (listed by official SpaceAPI)
10 versions of json, but endpoints don't always adhere to standards (from complete bollocks to renaming keys)
rasmus siil bullseye → bookworm upgrade
rasmus keylocker BoM ideation
Kristjan worked on retro stuff
ottj: got flipper zero sdk working
Kristjan SLIP: IP over serial over radio
- @ErkiA and @Madis took out
plaes user tested k-space infra, failed
erki aas migrated drone pieces to (already live) woodpecker
erki aas fixing oidc login for git, inventory, wiki, everything
madis inventory login redirect now preserves url (but login itself is now broken)
- @Madis brought audit per-item clicks from 8 down to 1.
ottj: statistics for propietary radio protocols
looking for people to hire, Wordpress-Magento
Replaced their Italian company with an Estonian one, ended up moving to Estonia
first time today
Leading in a large discussion group.
Lauri generated home-made ice cream, 3 liters of milk, 600ml curd cream, 4,6 kg of ice cream dough, 5+ liters.
Philipp and Tommy helped out Michele with Pizza. Philipp is thinking of working on cashless payments for Vending machine. Tommy was excited to find out there are featured paths in this years hackathon. 4 kg of dough, 27 pizzas.
Kristjan SLIP: IP over serial over radio
Erick is getting better at Gran Turismo
Agis, visiting, 3y ago member: kids and moved to other side of Tallinn
Jen is interested in building furniture with workshop tooling (mainly CNC).
Rasmus continued the serial interviews.
Lauri and Erki upgraded lots of Kube infra parts, improved ansible playbooks
Erki started cleaning up Kube infra
Lauri investigated further the flipdisc internals. Uploaded Sigrok Pulseview dump to
Overall signalling is somewhat complex (20pins) and uses lots of low level electronic components (NAND dates, 1-to-16 decoders etc). Considerig going back to the original controller board, need to investigate whether the firmware could be decompiled etc
Maybe the baud rate can just easily be cranked up from 9600?
lauri nvidia tegra?
plaes will maybe add cameras to workshop